Important Update Regarding $STR Points Campaign

Please note that the campaign for earning $STR points through RSVPs and referrals was active from November 1st, 2023, to February 29th, 2024. As this campaign has concluded, points are no longer being issued under this initiative.

A snapshot was taken on March 1st, 2024. The distribution of points to eligible accounts is forthcoming. To ensure you receive your entitled points, you must have an external wallet connected to your Setter user account. It is imperative to link your account before March 31st, 2024. Failure to associate an external wallet with your Setter account by this date may result in the forfeiture of all accumulated points/$STR.

This measure is to ensure the integrity of the $STR distribution and uphold the fairness for all participants. We appreciate your attention to this matter and your continued participation in our community.

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